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Activity 2

On this page, I want to share my experience in learning how to write a narrative essay. The activity was assigned on October 4, 2023, and it has been an enriching activity. 

The instructions for this assignment were the following:
  • Select an experience from our past that has had a significant impact on our life or has taught us a valuable lesson.
  • Elaborate a narrative essay.

In this activity, I followed the steps that the professor explained to us.

I began by brainstorming, immersing myself in past memories that had a significant impact on my life. I selected an experience that not only marked me, but also taught me valuable lessons. This process was essential to organize my thoughts before I began writing.

Then I make an outline, including an introduction that would capture the reader's attention and briefly introduce my experience and some context. At the end of my introduction, I added a thesis statement in which I mentioned the points I would talk about in the body paragraph.

Body and Conclusion:
Then in each paragraph I focused in only one aspect and followed a chronological order using several adjectives to describe my experience with vivid details. In the conclusion I mentioned my learning from that experience. Finally, I gave my essay a title. 

Below is a link to the narrative essay I did.

This activity helped me learn how to write a narrative essay. Also, I learned that an essay should always have an introduction that catches the reader's attention, a body paragraph with coherence and related to the thesis statement and a conclusion with a short summary of what I mentioned and without adding extra information. 

I hope this post inspires others to embrace the art of narrative writing.I hope this post inspires others to embrace the art of narrative writing.📚✎