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Activity 1

Today I want to share my experience exploring the Discoveries Magazines on the ED platform. The activity assigned on October 26, 2023 was interesting, and I want to take you on a journey through the ideas and concepts I found in the article I chose: "Robin The Robot".

The instructions for this assignment were the following: 

  • Search the ED platform.
  • Access to the Discoveries Magazines and after a quick reading of the themes.
  • Choose the one that catches our attention.   
  • Finally, elaborate a Mind-Mapping from the most relevant ideas presented.

The reading I chose is titled: Robin The Robot. 
Below I will show you my Mind Map. 

Personal Reflections:
This reading led me to question the relationship between humans and robots. How will this affect our daily lives? What ethical challenges do we need to consider?

I invite my readers to share their thoughts on this topic. What are your thoughts on the role of Robin and similar robots in our society? 📔🤖